A Message from the Founder of GAFM ® and The International
& Global Board of Standards
We are the first graduate certifying body in the world to to earn ISO
29990 Certification & ISO 9001 Quality Managemen System Certification for Global Education.
Since 1996, we have recognized and promoted accredited program and exam
standards worlwide. Professional credential and executive development programs are undergoing a
revolution globally. We’re learning through new methods of standards, accreditation, &
pedagogy and development styles, that we can promote greater learning principles and new strategic
thinking to professionals much more efficiently than traditional methods.. While some certificates of
training, the Certification Process of the Academy was established largely by graduate
professionals and experts from the ‘real world’ by integrating top professional development criteria,
graduate and governance standards.
We offer several specialized designations rather than create a broad, all
encompassing financial designation such as those for ‘financial analysis’ or ‘financial planning’.
The GAFM ® has taken a research based approach to our charter and certification structures and
created specialist designations for a wide range of careers in the banking, management, risk, and finance
sector. Each designation is targeted at a specific skill-set required to perform a role in the finance domain
with world-class expertise.

As such, GAFM approved certification degree paths, executive programs and
enrolment requirements ensures that each professional maintains the highest standard of demonstrated capability in
their area of proficiency. Key advancements for Board have been made in the last 10 years. We have
expanded our operations globally with new offices in the EU, Middle-East, China, Latin America, India, West
Indies, Africa and throughout Asia. Our Founding Parent Entity, The GAFM ® Board of Standards USA was
originally chartered and is based in the Americas, and GAFM ® listings or recognition is with top
educational & certification authorities such as: the US Department of Education, US Dept. of Labor,
Capital Markets Authorities, Ministries of Finance , United Nations Civil Society, and other
international governmental and NGO agencies
Graduate applications for our core qualifications are possible through
more than 800 of the world’s leading government recognized business schools as a result of our mutual articulation
agreements with AACSB International and ACBSP Accreditation Agencies. Member growth is accelerating
with AAFMMembers & Fellows in over 150 countries as of the time of printing. Our fastest
growing regions are Latin America, China, the Middle-East, South Asia, Africa, and India at this time, with several
hundred members joining each month through our providers in California, New York, Cairo, Beijing, Singapore,
India, Hong Kong, UK, Africa, India, Mexico, and elsewhere. Corporate players like Reuters,
UBS, HSBC, Kaplan, BISYS, The TJSL Law School, Half of the top 10 banks in the world,
ACBSP, AACSB, Chinese Government, , and others have been of great assistance in establishing a strong
reputation as a key player in the International sector. The 2003 opening of our Offices in Singapore was
one of the steps we’ve taken to support this exciting demand in the EU, India, Asia, The Middle East region
and beyond.
With the establishment of our offshore consulting divisions in 1999, forming
alliances with some of the top accreditation bodies and universities in the world, and our expansions
throughout Asia, Arabia, Africa and India, the Board approved consulting and training companies have
been extremely successfully in educating governmental employees, departments, staffs, corporates and NGOs around
the world. With our recent consultative work with the United Nations and US Government, our scholarship, research,
and charitable outreach continues to grow.
I welcome you to learn about our unmatched standards and accredited programs
recognized by the GAFM ® Certifying Board.. With each year, the value of certification and masters
designations grows. However, the best way for our network to expand is through word of mouth. Make sure you
use your designation and mark at every opportunity. Be proud of your certification from the Council, it makes you
one of the next-generation of global leaders.
Together we are truly “Building the world’s future Leaders in Consulting
Sincerely and Kindest Regards,
Prof. Dr./Jur. George Mentz JD, MBA, CILS, MFP®, CWM ®
AAFM ® International Board of Standards– Chair, General Counsel &
Doctor of Jurisprudence - International Law - Attorney & Notary Public
As Seen in US Dept of Labor, FINRA, INVESTOPEDIA, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNN, MarketWatch, The Hindu
National, El Norte Mexico, Financial Times, Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News, AP Associated Press, Black
Enterprise, The China Daily, CNN, AACSB News, Peninsula On-line, The Gulf Times, Nassau Guardian, ACBSP News, Asia
Africa Intelligence Wire, The Arab Times, Empresa Exterior, Spain, Arab News,The Business Wire, Congress News, The
Congressional Quarterly, The Economic Times, Antara, Al-Bawaba News, and the South China Post.