sure to get information about mortgages from several lenders or brokers. Know how much
of a down payment you can afford, and find out all the costs involved in the loan. Knowing
just the amount of the monthly payment or the interest rate is not enough. Ask for
information about the same loan amount, loan term, and type of loan so that you can
compare the information. The following information is important to get from each
lender and broker:
Ask each lender and broker
for a list of its current mortgage interest rates and whether the rates being
quoted are the lowest for that day or week.
Ask whether the rate
is fixed or adjustable. Keep in mind that when
interest rates for adjustable-rate loans go up, generally so does the monthly
If the rate quoted is for an
adjustable-rate loan, ask how your rate and loan payment will vary, including
whether your loan payment will be reduced when rates go
Ask about the loan’s
annual percentage rate (APR). The APR
takes into account not only the interest rate but also points, broker fees,
and certain other credit charges that you may be required to pay, expressed
as a yearly rate.
Points are fees paid to the lender or broker for the loan
and are often linked to the interest rate; usually the more points you pay, the lower the
Check your local newspaper
for information about rates and points currently being
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